
The most challenging yet fulfilling aspect of my life so far...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Solid Food

Ok, so I may be a little overinformed and probably misinformed as well. And so some people may think, its not a big deal. But as a mom, it is a big deal what I feed my son.
He is teething and growing and doing all these new things at once. He is also, all of a sudden, totally into our food. I am caught unprepared. I thought he wouldn't be into solids until 9 months or so...I thought breastmilk would keep him interested. Now he wants food...our food.
So I first fed him a little mashed banana. But then I remembered afterward that the only food I have any sensitivity toward is the banana. oops. gotta keep him away from that one for abit longer. Then a few days later I fed him some avocado with a little water. I then breastfed him afterwards as most books/internet suggest. He was really quite fussy for the rest of the day. Not with gas, and maybe it had nothing to do with the food, maybe it was just the teething. I don't know.
But now that I think of it, avocados don't even grow around here. Shouldn't I be feeding him something that is locally grown? Something that we have actually evolved to eat. Isn't eating locally grown foods far better, nutritionally and for our systems, than something imported that our bodies aren't even evolved to eat? hmmm. I don't know the answer. But I do no, however, that something grown locally whether organic or not, will have more nutrients that something that was picked and shipped here for far away. So, what should I feed my son as his first solids?
Maybe I will skip the mangoes, banana and avocado and pick some peas and squash from the garden...
There is just so much info out there, so many opposing studies. Local or organic, ideally, I guess, locally organic. To cook or to do raw for baby?

We all want the very best for baby. We want them to avoid creating food allergies and sensitivities later in life, we want them to build strong digestive fire, we want them to stay away from as much GMO's as possible, we want them to eat organic and avoid all the deadly toxins. Life isn't perfect, but as a mom I want to provide the best beginnings as possible.

Any suggestions/stories of first solids for baby?


lisalou said...

This sounds like a question for Reesh!

Anonymous said...

No help here - but I'm hoping you get some good feedback so that I can file it away for my own personal use in a few months time!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!