
The most challenging yet fulfilling aspect of my life so far...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Four Weeks

Jonas, chilling out on the blanket Great Grandma Johnstone made (and wearing cousin Livia's pink pants - pink is in for men these days! Already a stylish boy!)

This has been a month of huge adjustments in my life. From the first three days of my giddy adrenalin rush following Jonas's birth to learning the art of breastfeeding to total exhaustion; its been a real trip. Aside from three weeks of sore nipples, there was not alot of physical recovery - I bounced back quite easily and am only a few pounds (7 lbs) more than my original prepreggo weight.
After being totally independent and carefree for 13 years, I have now become a parent. Wow. That is huge, it really is. I love it, but its a real adjustment. It feels as if Jordan and I have been on this honeymoon for the past 5 years. I didn't think of it that way until now, but now our high quality times together are fewer and farther apart. This may sound abit depressing, but I don't mean it to be. We were ready for this next big thing in life and here we are! I am still getting over the fact that this little person, this little Jonas, was created by Jordan and I and I think that that is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

Jonas, you are now 9lbs 5 oz. This is great because it means my milk is satisfying your hunger and that you are thriving. You are amazing. You now sleep with us in our bed; now the family bed. We love skin on skin contact. You love staring out our huge windows. You are a very noisy sleeper.

I don't think you like your bassinet much anymore. You usually nap in the big bed or in our arms and you always fall asleep in the sling and the Baby Bjorn carrier. I love wearing you in the sling; we spend time every morning dancing (with you in sling). We still swaddle you occasionally because your arms are still really wild. You like to suck alot; last week we introduced a soother to you and I know that its not as great as the boob, but I was getting too sore. Fortunately the soother has worked out and you are able to take out any stress on it and I am no longer sore! Also we introduced the bottle to you last night for the first time. I felt like a cow when I was pumping my milk, but I want you to be able to take a bottle of my milk on occasion so that your dad and others may feed you.

1 comment:

lisalou said...

He is just such a good lookin' baby! You two seem to be settling in quite well to the momma- baby routine. It's a bit sad that the honeymoon is over but you will have one again in about 18 years :)