
The most challenging yet fulfilling aspect of my life so far...

Monday, April 28, 2008

14 Months

It's probably been about two or thee weeks since Jonas and I spent the afternoon indoors. Seriously.
Today we went to parents and tots at the community center and spent the morning singing songs, playing in sand, sharing turns on the slide and sharing snacks. Jonas is so busy all morning that he usually falls asleep on the way home. He just plays so hard - and he has this thing with those little flinstone-like cars; he can sit right inside and scoot around - he LOoves those cars. I try and encourage him to check out other stuff but he always goes back to the cars.
This afternoon, after his 2 hour nap, Jonas didn't seem like his usual happy energetic self so I decided that we would chill out indoors for a change. We did some crayon drawings, washed the floors and some other random activities. It was actually a nice change.
Our house has gotten quite dirty and messy over these past few weeks. Most days we are outside getting the yard ready for summer. Our garden this year is the biggest yet - so far we have planted lettuce, kale, spinach, chard, cauliflower, bush beans, broccoli, pole beans, radishes, cucumbers, kiwi, peas. The strawberry patch, blueberry bushes and raspberry bushes are growing beautifully-I am hoping we have as many strawberries as we did last year! Also, I am hoping that we get some peaches - so far our beautiful peach tree hasn't produced anything - but this year there are just so many pink blossoms so I am hoping... We also have apple, pear and cherry trees to plant asap. So you can see we are crazy busy at the moment - not to mention the new native garden we have put together among other already established gardens that needed some work as well. There are just so many, too many projects that I want to complete in the next month, so we'll see.
Jonas, of course, spends his time with us in the garden and around the yard, forever exploring. I am completely lenient as far as his explorations into mud, puddles, weed piles, rock piles and soil piles. He gets very very dirty every single day and maybe thats why our house is so dirty with sawdust and random dirt and sticks all over, but really, I do love to see him having a great time exploring everything.
On a typical day Jonas will wake up at 7ish. He still sleeps between us in our bed and although he still nurses two or three times a night I seem to be quite well rested lately. I still have an occassional nap with Jonas at his nap time, but I have noticed my energy levels are quite high - I am able to get alot of stuff done in a day whereas 6 months ago I might have been exhausted!
Since Jonas gets alot of milk in the early morning, he is never very hungry until late morning. Jord and I have some coffee together and watch Jonas race around the house and entertain us. Neither of us can imagine anything better than being entertained in our own living room by our little guy first thing in the morning! Then we usually walk Jord over to work, say hello to the horses and chickens, maybe grab a few eggs, check out any trucks or excavators or dump trucks that may be nearby and then we head to one of the gardens to check out any new growth...And our day begins!
Other things that Jonas enjoys lately is rearranging all of our drawers, getting his own snacks out of his snack cuppboard, getting his own cups and bowls out of his utensil drawer, he likes to be with other kids, he loves grooving to music in his bedroom, he likes the library and the grocery stores, he absolutely lOVEs to visit his grandparents and Autie and cousins. He loves his animals. He loves MANY books now. His favourite foods seem to be beans, almond butter on wraps, sprouts and olives. But really, if he is hungry he eats everything on his plate including spicey dishes.
I must say that Jonas has a really great life; living close to family, living in nature and spending everyday exploring freely. We will be living in the city for about 3 years starting in Sept, actually we will be living right on campus in family housing at SFU. Its gonna be a great adventure for all three of us and although we won't be living in the beauty we live in now, the city will have so much to offer us and I plan on taking in as much as I can while I am there!


lisalou said...

Sounds like Fun!

Eva said...

SFU can be pretty great though - there's lots of walking/hiking trails right there on the mountain so you won't be too far from the outdoors :) Great post - I found your blog through Reesh ages ago and always enjoy when you post updates.