
The most challenging yet fulfilling aspect of my life so far...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Over the New Parenting Hump

In one of the Dr. Sears/Martha Sears books, they say that the first month of new parenting is the most difficult time. With recouperating and changing lives as well as bonding I think that we have just come over a big hump. Breastfeeding is smooth, pumping and bottlefeeding is a success, night parenting is familiar and we have all gotten to know each other quite well.

Now we are all settling into a routine (if you can even call it that) and I am beginning to pick up where I left off (sort of - I don't expect to do all I could before Jonas). A little yoga, a little exercise, baking bread, working on the documentary, returning emails, paying bills etc etc. Jonas really seems to be comfortable and enjoy being in the sling and peering out as I go about the house and yard. He usually falls asleep after awhile - but the problem I am finding at the moment is that when I put him down (with the sling) in his bassinette while he is asleep, he wakes up within ten minutes. He won't stay down for his nap, he gets used to the motion and when he is still he wakes up. When we nap together in the morning he will always sleep soundly, but if he falls asleep in my arms and I put him down on his own he will wake up soon. Maybe I should be waiting until he is through his REM/light sleep state to put him down and that means sitting for LONGER than I already do (because of breastfeeding). I guess I am still figuring things out. We are borrowing a mechanical swing tommorow, so maybe that will work out. One aspect of being a new, first time parent includes figuring things out for yourself, using intuition and sifting through the ooodles of parenting advice from books and well meaning friends and family. And of course listening closely to what the little one has to say!

Another aspect of first time parenting, for me, is reaching out to other parents. It's a whole new world out there. Last week Lisa, Marussia and Lily came for a visit and to meet Jonas. He slept almost the whole time and missed all the little kisses from Lily. It was so nice to hang out with the girls and just sit around drinking tea and chatting - time went too quickly that afternoon. I think Jonas and I will go and visit them again really soon!

Lisa, Marussia, Lily (13months), me and Jonas (4weeks)


Lady Smarmalade said...

My kids were the same way... they would wake up after 10 minutes without motion. The answer is..... a baby swing. They are wonderful things. Just try it. and make sure that it is battery operated, not wind-up because the wind-up ones tend to wake the babies up when you crank it up to keep it moving.

lisalou said...

You two can drop by anytime!
We'll make up there again too I am sure. Love ya.

Kathleen said...

You look fantastic!! Your house too.

Very excited that there is a chance we could be in the same city next year with our new babies. You'll be an expert with the sling, putting baby down for nap stuff by then... and can maybe pass on a few pointers.

If we are not in the same city. I'll be in a whole other country, but I'll keep reading your blog.

Good luck with all the new mother stuff.

Reesh said...

I just realized you started another blog! Just a little slower than normal these days I guess! Anyways, just wanted to say hello and let you know you can visit us anytime you like. I am a stay at home mom as you know, with a lot of free time on my hands!! And Lily needs to kiss Jonas again...