Its been just over a week now and we've checked out the Oregon coast and it's sand dunes; we've seen the Redwoods of N.California and we've visited relatives in Modesto. Jonas got to meet his Aunt Sally and Uncle Keith who spoiled him with a ton of love and attention. Jonas hung out with his uncle in his legendary garage and played with plastic bottles and talking stuffed animals. Jonas began eating '
Mexican' food during this visit (rice and beans). We also took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) into San Francisco where we walked from Market St all the way to the Fisherman's
Wharf with Jonas in his BOB stroller. Jonas barely slept as he was so excited with all the action around him. We took the
trolley back to the Bart and didn't get back into Modesto until after dark - Jonas was so tired! His nickname from Uncle Keith is 'hey you, Whale Boy!'
From Cali we have headed over to Nevada where we are staying more relatives in
Las Vegas. Again, Jonas is being spoiled with a ton of love and attention from his Uncle Allen, Auntie Dorothy and Cousin Nolan. Nolan is 12 and is so wonderful with Jonas - he is trying really hard to teach Jonas how to crawl forward. Maybe we will have a crawling babe when we return home.
The weather is deliciously warm and sunny; Jonas has been an excellent
traveller and everything has gone fairly smooth - camping was nice, visiting has been fun and car travel no problem. Well, only a little problem with the car, but we are getting that fixed right now....